Moving Violation
It looks like something out of science fiction movie! The performer opens a small wallet to show a business card featuring a hypnotic printed pattern with a small hole near one end. Then slowly, very slowly, the hole impossibly melts its way across the entire length of the card! The visual impact is incredible! And then the performer HANDS EVERYTHING OUT FOR EXAMINATION! The card, the wallet, EVERYTHING! It takes 10 seconds to reset this mind-blowing effect and the extremely clever gimmicks do all the work for you! You can even perform the same stunning effect with your own business card, a playing card or a dollar bill! Deadly easy to do, it's the perfect walk around trick you will do everywhere! And remember, EVERYTHING CAN BE EXAMINED! Comes complete with wallet, gimmicks, specially printed cards and instructional DVD featuring a variety of handlings and effects including "The Classic Handling," "One of Six," and the "Ultimate Business Card Giveaway!"