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Inscrutable by Joseph Barry

Inscrutable by Joseph Barry

Inscrutable marks the debut of one of magic's rising stars. On this incredible 2 disc collection Joseph shares some of his prized routines, moves, subtleties and thoughts. 

Ranging from self-working miracles to the more advanced masterpieces, Joseph covers every aspect in full detail. 

Including over 20 routines and more than 3hrs of footage you will learn some of the most powerful, practical and seriously fooling routines even caught on film. 

Disk 1 


Prediction v1 

Prediction v2 


Psychological spread force Simple math 

They match 

Spread switch 

Spread triumph 

Spread Strip out shuffle 

Hofzinser's aces 

Flow ace production 

Count to aces 

Think stop Subconscious poker 10-card poker stack 

Disk 2 

LLL peek 

Centre deal 

Stand up royal flush/ace selection Jazz gambling Demo 

4 stop 

Fair deal v1 

Fair deal v2 

In hands riffle faro shuffle technique 

Out of this world 


Matching the poker hand Memory poker 

Spectator poker dealer Mental selection 

Riffle strip out shuffle Table Faro technique 

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